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Christmas Giveaway 2023: Question 3 - Signal Squares


The signal square is still used at many GA airfields to help a pilot ascertain important information like the direction of the runway. What does the following signal square symbol represent?

Signal Square: Special Precautions must be taken when approaching to land or landing


  1. Landings are prohibited
  2. Special precautions must be observed in approaching to land or in landing
  3. The crosswind runway is in use
  4. Aircraft are required to take off, land and taxi on runways and taxiways only


Whilst signal squares are less common following the broad adoption of aircraft and airfield radios, signal squares can still be found at many General Aviation airfields to visually indicate the conditions on an aerodrome to over-flying aircraft. You will generally find them close to the control tower, but they can also be found in other locations, such as close to the runway or on the control tower and should be visible from all directions. If you are flying non-radio, consider an overhead join to allow you to locate the signal square so that you have the information you need to make a safe approach and landing.

This symbol, a red square with one diagonal line displayed in the signal square, indicates that special precautions must be observed in approaching to land or in landing, often due to the poor state of the manoeuvring area.

There are many other examples of visual communications and signage that you will find at airports and airfields utilising a signal square, a summary of which you can see in the diagram below:

Signal Square: Special Precautions must be taken when approaching to land or landing

Source: CAA Skyway Code - Page 113, Version 4 (November 2023)

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