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Christmas Giveaway 2023: Question 6 - Hot Spots


Aerodrome charts (or plates) contain helpful information to enable pilots to manoeuvre around an airfield safely, including the location of runways, taxiways, holding points, and parking areas. What does the red circle on this aerodrome chart represent?

AIP Section
  1. Helicopter Stand
  2. High-Security Area
  3. Hot Spot
  4. Holding Section for Emergency Flights Only


The bright red circle symbol on an airfield chart indicates a "Hot Spot". A hotspot is a location on an aerodrome movement area with a history or potential risk of collision or runway incursion, and where heightened attention by pilots and drivers is necessary.

Hot spot areas are typically identified at complex and confusing taxiway or runway intersections and holding points, but hot spots have also been used to highlight potential safety-related problems on the ground. Aerodrome geometry, traffic flow, poor or confusing markings, signage or lighting, and human factors can all lead to an increased risk of runway incursions or collisions, which may be factors in creating an aerodrome hot spot. Promoting hot spot information to pilots and drivers promotes situational awareness and is one way airports manage and mitigate this risk.

Hot spots are depicted as a bright red circle around the problem area on an aerodrome chart, with a 'HS' (hot spot) designator. This is linked to a red label box containing further information on the nature of the hot spot and any guidance or advised actions for pilots to take to mitigate the problem if appropriate. In some cases, additional graphics or specific hot spot pages may also be issued to allow airports to present and explain hot spots more effectively to users.

Here are a few examples of current hot spots found at UK Aerodromes and their explanations and guidance for pilots:

Bournemouth: EGHH

Bournemouth EGHH Hot Spot

Compton Abbas: EGHA

Compton Abbas EGHA Hot Spot

Gloucestershire: EGBJ

Gloucestershire EGBJ Hot Spot

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