UK Private Pilot Licence (PPL)
UK PPL Course Overview
The UK Private Pilot Licence (PPL) is a European licence which aims to take you from novice to a qualified private pilot. This licence allows you to fly privately and for pleasure as pilot-in-command of a single engine piston (SEP) aircraft. The UK PPL is an incredibly powerful licence and there are a number of additional ratings and privileges which can be added once you have completed the course allowing you to continue to expand your knowledge and refine your pilot skills. For those wanting to pursue a career in aviation, the PPL is the first step towards gaining a commercial licence and will provide the fundamental training needed to continue on to become a commercial pilot. The UK PPL is recognised in the UK and throughtout Europe and can easily be used as the basis of conversion for licences in other countries such as America.
Learning to fly with Flynqy Pilot Training
The process of learning to fly should be fun and enjoyable. Here at Flynqy Pilot Training we recognise that people decide to learn to fly for a number of different reasons. It may be a lifelong dream, a new challenge, a stepping stone to a future career in aviation or it may just simply be for fun! We also recognise that everyone is unique and every student will have their own learning styles, timeframes and requirements. Whatever your requirements and reasons are for learning to fly, our professionally qualified and experience team are here to ensure that you get the most from your time with us, providing individial support for both the practical and theoretical elements of the course.
How long will it take for me to learn to fly?
One of the most common questions we are asked is 'How long will it take for me to learn to fly'? The answer is quite simple - our courses are individually structured to fit in with your life, work and financial requirements. There is a common misconception that all aviation courses have specific start dates, with lessons on structured dates and times - like being at school! This is not true with the Private Pilot Licence. The course can be completed quickly over a few weeks if you wish (subject to weather), or it can be spread over a few years. On average, our students take between 12 and 24 months to gain a licence. Flying lessons are booked at dates and times that are convenient for you, allowing you to manage the speed of your training and fit it around your everyday life and commitments.
UK PPL Course Requirements and Structure
To obtain an UK PPL licence you must complete a minimum of 45 hours flight training. This must include at least 25 hours of dual flight with an instructor and 10 hours of supervised solo flying time. As part of the training a solo cross country flight of at least 150nm must be completed and must include full stop landings at two aerodromes different from the aerodrome of departure.
You will also be required to pass nine theoretical exams, all of which are multiple choice with a 75% pass mark. The exams must be completed in six sittings (a sitting is defined by UK as a ten day period). All theoretical exams can be completed through Flynqy Pilot Training on site and subjects include:
- Air Law
- Operational Procedures
- Human Performance and Limitations
- Navigation
- Meteorology
- Aircraft General Knowledge
- Principles of Flight
- Flight Performance and Planning
- Communications
During your training you will also be required to complete a Radiotelephony Practical Examination which can be conducted at Flynqy Pilot Training. This examination will allow you to apply for a Radiotelephony Operators Licence which is essential for communicating with Air Traffic Control.
Once the flight training has been completed to the required standard and all examinations have been successfully passed, you will be required to complete a Skills Test with a flight examiner to show your proficiency. The skill test usually lasts around two hours and is simply a demonstration of everything you have learnt throughout the course.
To undertake any solo flight training and to hold a PPL licence, you must hold at least a Class 2 (Private Pilot) Medical Certificate, from a CAA authorised medical examiner. There are several local CAA Medical examiners across Cornwall whose details we can provide you with. Alternatively, you can use the following link to identify your local examiner: CAA Medical Examiner Search. For full details on what to expect during your Class 2 medical examination please visit the CAA Class 2 Medical guidance page.
How do I start?
Simply phone, email or visit us to find out more information or to book in for your first session!
If you have never flown a light aircraft before, we recommend that you take one of our Trial Flight Experiences. If you enjoy your Flight Experience and decide that flying is definitely for you then you can book in to start on the PPL course. Any time flown during your Flight Experience will count towards the hours needed to hold a PPL. The initial PPL session is three hours, which includes: a course introduction, aircraft familarisation and your first flight. After the initial session, lessons are typically two hours, including briefings. The average flight time per session is one hour.